
Integrate is the voluntary, community and social enterprise support agency for Lambeth and the Young Londoner’s Fund local network provider for Lambeth and Southwark. As the CVS for Lambeth we are proud members of London Plus and Locality and NAVCA Supporter. We provide a local focus and a national voice.

Use this page to access resources, support and services provided by and for voluntary and community organisations.

Integrate Lambeth

Integrate Lambeth is here to support Lambeth’s voluntary, community and social enterprise sector. We are pleased to work in partnership with Lambeth Council to become your ‘go to’ point of contact for networking, capacity building and support. This partnership with Lambeth Council arises from our shared interest in enabling a strong and thriving VCSE that contributes to the wellbeing of Lambeth’s residents. For more information regarding Integrate Lambeth read our case study below.

You can get in touch with us by emailing eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk

If your organisation tackles social issues in Lambeth, we will offer you:

  • Networking opportunities
  • Capacity Building events and workshops
  • Information and support to startup, sustain and grow your organisation

By being at your side and in your shoes, we work in the community to:

  • Build the organisational capacity of Lambeth’s VCSE
  • Create stronger networks, relationships and levels of trust between VCSE organisations
  • Enable the VCSE to represent local communities and ensure that their voice is heard
  • Leverage new funds from external sources into Lambeth

Young Londoners Fund

Integrate is the local network provider for Lambeth and Southwark. We provide Young Londoners Fund grantees and organisations who are planning to apply to the YLF with access to a network that can provide advice, guidance and support on how to achieve their objectives and outcomes.

The Mayor’s Young Londoners Fund helps children and young people fulfil their potential, particularly those who are at risk of getting caught up in crime. The fund supports a range of education, sport, cultural and other activities for young people aged 10 to 21. The Young Londoners Fund objective is to provide aspirational and positive activities to empower young people. This will help them to make positive choices and reach their potential.

What is a CVS? Watch our video below to find out

Upcoming Events

  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr

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Community Lambeth resources

We have developed and sourced a lot of useful resources that are designed to help you in your day-to-day decision making.

Going Green in Lambeth

A guide for Lambeth's Voluntary and Community Sector organisations supporting organisations to play their part in making Lambeth a cleaner, healthier place to live, work and visit.


Lambeth VCSE Ukrainian Refugee Response

Up to date information and toolkits for Lambeth's voluntary, community and social enterprise sector including updates from Lambeth Council, Gov.uk, the Greater London Authority, Thrive LDN and the VCSE in Lambeth and beyond.

Link here

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Training for Lambeth’s VCSE

Integrate welcomed Elizabeth Takyi to present a Zoom webinar on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. Elizabeth is CEO of Aspire2inspire Dyslexia CIC, a social enterprise based in South London, UK and was recently profiled in Forbes discussing her journey.

View here

Setting up a social enterprise

How to set up a social enterprise from Gov.uk including links to Social Enterprise UK and UnLtd, featuring their expert toolkits and opportunities for funding. This page presents the types of social enterprise structures available to set up in the UK and features next steps for registration for all forms of social enterprise.

Link here

Reach Volunteering tools to recruit and diversity your board

Funded by the National Lottery Community Fund and the Clothworkers' Company, Reach Volunteering have developed guidance, tools and tips to help you recruit trustees and diversify your board. Reflect, prepare, advertise, shortlist and interview, appoint and induct, and evaluate.

Link Here

NCVO Policies and Procedures guidance

A clear, appropriate and coherent set of policies and procedures help ensure that your organisation is well run. Policies should be clear, simple statements of how your organisation intends to conduct its services, actions or business. They provide a set of guiding principles to help with decision making. Policies don't need to be long or complicated – a couple of sentences may be all you need for each policy area. The NCVO have developed a brilliant policy development support area featuring suggested core policies.

Policies and Procedures

Integrate Resilience Toolkit

Integrate Resilience Kit for voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations developed by our Director of Partnerships Laura Bassett and funded by the The National Lottery Community Fund and HM Treasury.

Download here

Free legal support services

The law firm Russell-Cooke has partnered Integrate to provide a free telephone helpline for Lambeth's VCSE. The helpline allows Lambeth charitable groups to have a short telephone conversation with a legal professional on issues relating to running a charity. The helpline is open from 09.30 to 17.00 on working days. To use the helpline, you can: • Call: 020 3826 7534; or • Email: Charity.NewEnquiries@russell-cooke.co.uk

Russell-Cooke website

Consortia and Partnership Tool Kit

Funded by the Mayor of London, the Integrate Economies of Collaboration Tool Kit, authored by Nicky Robertson Peek, provides practical tools and tips with which to develop and growth partnerships for the voluntary sector.

Link here

How to set up a charity

charitysetup is a simple guide for setting up a charity by the Small Charities Coalition. This guide will steer you through the logistics of setting up a charity in simple steps.

Link here

Cyber Safe Lambeth GDPR Tool Kit

Funded by City Bridge Trust, Integrate provided direct training to 155 Lambeth charities to become GDPR compliant and developed a GDPR Tool Kit which has been downloaded by over 1000 VCS groups.

Link here

GOVERN IT! - Small Groups and Governance

Zoom webinar, 6 May 2020. Governance of community groups can be a minefield. Should you be a charity? A CIC? A CIO? What is a CIC? Mel Christodoulou of Yellow Qube led this workshop created specifically with the VCSE in Lambeth in mind.

Link here

FOUND IT! A CIC's journey

Zoom webinar, 15 June 2020. Integrate welcomes Emilie Mendy from Bizzie Bodies CIC to talk about how she founded her community interest company, which teaches STEAM & language skills to young people in the community.

Link here

Navigating your organisation beyond COVID-19

Zoom webinar, 26 June 2020. Led by Andi Dollia Managing Director of Additude Accounting, Integrate explored how organisations can try to best navigate beyond the coronavirus crisis in managing finances. 

Link here

Employment in Lambeth

Lambeth residents have a lot to offer the voluntary sector. Advertise your charity or social enterprise employment opportunities with Opportunity Lambeth and start tapping into local talent. Skills and employability providers can also register for information on Lambeth funding, provider network events and more.

Integrate is a proud member the Employment Related Services Association (ERSA)

Some of our Lambeth partners

Our Integrate Lambeth Newsletter

The Integrate Lambeth newsletter is monthly curation of VCS capacity building events, funding opportunities and key news items.

Sign up to our membership

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